How to hang pothos in Aquarium

How to hang pothos in Aquarium-Setup Guide 2024

If you are searching result of How to hang pothos in Aquarium then your search ends here. Aquariums are a wonderful way to bring a touch of nature into our homes, creating a serene environment for marine life. However, why confine the beauty to just underwater? If you’re looking to enhance the aesthetics of your aquarium while promoting a healthier habitat for your fish, why not incorporate hanging pothos? In this comprehensive guide, we will take you through the step-by-step process of suspending pothos in your aquarium, delving into the advantages, potential challenges, and tips to ensure the thriving coexistence of your aquatic plants and fish.

Why Hang Pothos in Your Aquarium?

Discover the wonders of hanging pothos in your aquarium, as it brings both beauty and functionality to your underwater world. With its vibrant green leaves, this plant not only enhances the visual appeal of your aquatic landscape but also acts as a natural filter, purifying the water by absorbing harmful nitrates. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced aquarium enthusiast, pothos is the perfect choice due to its low-maintenance nature. Embrace the beauty and practicality of hanging pothos to create a lively and flourishing aquatic ecosystem.

There are three significant aspects to hang Potho in the Aquarium.

1.Natural Filtration-Pothos plants, also called Epipremnum aureum, have gained fame for their remarkable talent in removing nitrates and other harmful substances from water. By acting as a natural filtration system, pothos not only ensures the purity of the water but also promotes a healthier habitat for your fish. 

2. Visual Attractiveness-Transform your aquarium into a captivating underwater oasis with the lush green foliage of pothos. Its vibrant and visually appealing presence adds a touch of beauty to your aquatic landscape. The hanging vines gracefully mimic the natural underwater vegetation found in lakes and rivers, creating a dynamic and mesmerizing scene.

3. Low Maintenance-Pothos, the perfect plant for aquarium enthusiasts, is known for its low maintenance requirements. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced hobbyist, this hardy plant is an excellent choice. It can effortlessly adapt to different aquarium setups, even in low light conditions.

Step-by-Step Guide How to Hang Pothos in Your Aquarium

Let’s now explore the practical steps of suspending pothos in your aquarium, now that we have a clear understanding of its benefits..

STEP-1: Select the Appropriate Pothos Variant

Not every type of pothos is ideal for aquariums. Choose the golden pothos (Epipremnum aureum) instead, as it is renowned for its resilience and ability to thrive in aquatic settings.
Ways to Install Pothos in Aquarium

STEP-2: Get the Pothos Trimmings Ready

Getting your pothos cuttings ready is an essential part of adding these adaptable plants to your aquarium. This important process includes   a). HEALTHY CUTTING  and b). TRIMMING EXCESS LEAVES . By taking the necessary steps to prepare your pothos cuttings properly, you create the perfect conditions for them to thrive and enhance both the beauty and functionality of your aquarium.


Select healthy pothos cuttings that have a few leaves and nodes. Nodes are important because they will grow roots when placed in water.


Remove extra leaves from the cutting to lessen the strain on the plant. This promotes root growth and prevents the aquarium water from becoming too nutrient-rich.

STEP-3: Clean the Pothos Cuttings

Clean the pothos cuttings by rinsing them with running water to get rid of any dirt, debris, or harmful substances that could affect your aquarium’s ecosystem.

STEP-4: Set Up a Quarantine Container

To ensure a smooth transition for your pothos cuttings into your aquarium, it is important to first place them in a separate container with fresh water. This will give the plants time to adjust to their new environment and help prevent any unwanted pests or diseases from entering your aquarium.

STEP-5: Submerge the Pothos Cuttings

Put the pothos cuttings in the fish tank, making sure that the nodes are completely underwater. This will help the roots grow and firmly hold the plant in place.

STEP-6: Choose the Right Location

Choosing the correct spot for your pothos in the fish tank is essential for it to grow well. Take into account the lighting conditions, as pothos can do well in both low and moderate light. Like a gentle aquarium light, putting it close to a light source promotes healthy growth. It’s important to avoid fully submerging the plant; instead, position it to allow the leaves to float on the water’s surface. This careful placement guarantees optimal growth and enhances the visual appeal, creating a beautiful underwater environment in your aquarium.

STEP-7: Monitor and Maintain

a). Regular Pruning:

To keep the pothos in check and prevent it from taking over the aquarium, trim it as necessary. Pruning also promotes fresh growth and maintains the plant’s lively appearance.

b). Water Quality Checks:

Regularly monitor the water parameters to make sure that the pothos plant is efficiently removing nitrates and keeping the aquatic environment well-balanced.

c).Check for Pests:

Be vigilant for pests or algae growth on the pothos. If needed, delicately clean the leaves to avoid harming your aquarium’s ecosystem.

More Tips for Success How to hang pothos in Aquarium

a). Be Patience :

It might require some time for the pothos plant to settle in the aquarium. Just be patient and let the roots grow before anticipating noticeable growth.

b). Water Changes: :

Regularly changing the water is crucial for keeping an aquarium healthy. The pothos plant can better filter out nitrates when the water is clean and well-maintained.

c). Compatibility with Fish:

Pothos is usually safe for fish, but some fish may try to nibble on the leaves. Keep an eye on your fish’s behavior and, if needed, offer other places for them to hide or decorate the tank to avoid too much disturbance to the pothos

c). Experiment with Placement:

Feel free to try different positions for your pothos in the aquarium. You can either hang it along the back wall or let it flow down from the top. Find a spot that enhances the overall look of your tank.


Hanging pothos in your fish tank is an easy and effective way to make your underwater world more beautiful and functional. By following these simple instructions and tips, you can create a stunning underwater landscape and provide a healthier habitat for your fish. Embrace the natural filtration benefits of pothos and see your aquarium turn into a thriving ecosystem.

Additional tips how to hang pothos in aquarium

To hang a pothos plant in an aquarium, you have a couple of choices. You can utilize fishing line or clear plastic tubing to attach the plant to the highest point of the aquarium. Another choice is to utilize pull cups to join the plant to the side of the aquarium. On the off chance that you like to utilize a holder, try to put it in a splendid place where the leaves can get sufficient light. Make sure to change the water in the compartment on various occasions as oxygen breaks up in standing water. Pothos plants are valuable for aquariums as they give conceal, eliminate nitrates, kill green growth, and assist with circulating air through the water. They are additionally simple to spread and come in different leaf tones. The Cebu Blue pothos assortment has blue-green leaves without variegation.

What Other plants can be added to the Aquarium?

Aquarium plants are a great method for improving the excellence and essentialness of your aquarium. There are different kinds of aquarium plants accessible, including epiphytes, drifting plants, foundation plants, and lake plants. Here are a few well-known decisions:

1. Amazon Sword: This tall plant develops rapidly and gives fantastic inclusion to your wiring and channel framework, particularly in the event that they are apparent from behind the tank.

2. Java Greenery: With its long leaves, this plant offers great security for fish.

3. Water Poppy: A fabulous decision for drifting plants, the Water Poppy is not difficult to develop and gives adequate cover to fish.

4. Ludwigia arcuata “Dim red”: This foundation plant flaunts a shocking red tone and is easy to develop.

5. Limnophila Sp. Shaggy: One more extraordinary choice for foundation plants, the Limnophila Sp. Shaggy has an extraordinary appearance and is low-upkeep.

What are some benefits of adding plants to the Aquarium?

Adding live plants to an aquarium has a few advantages for the aquatic environment. Here are a portion of the benefits:

1. Mirroring the Regular Territory: Many fish flourish in conditions with live plants. Adding live plants to the aquarium, makes a comparable territory to their normal environmental factors, causing them to feel more comfortable.

2. Oxygen Creation: Plants in the aquarium increment the oxygen levels. Through photosynthesis, plants produce oxygen and retain carbon dioxide. This is pivotal for the prosperity of the fish, as oxygen is fundamental for them. Even though plants discharge some carbon dioxide around evening time, it isn’t hurtful to the fish as they consume more carbon dioxide than they produce.

3. Food Source for Fish: Certain fish, similar to Goldfish, require both vegan and non-veggie lover nourishment for their development. Right at home, they acquire their non-veggie lover’s diet from plants. By adding plants to the aquarium, these fish can have a characteristic food source to chomp on.

4. Shelter for Fish: Live plants give a characteristic concealing spot to fish and their posterity. They can look for shelter behind the plants, having a real sense of reassurance and security.

5. Green Growth Control: Live plants rival green growth for supplements and light. This opposition assists with lessening the development of green growth in the aquarium, keeping it cleaner and better.

6. Substrate Support: Live plants add to the general wellbeing of the aquarium’s substrate by eliminating waste and trash. This assists with keeping a perfect and adjusted climate for the fish.
7. Added Filtration: Live plants go about as a characteristic channel and oxygen generator. They can assist with eliminating poisons and other hurtful substances from the water.

8. Keeps Water Temperature Low: Live plants can assist with keeping the water temperature low by giving shade to the fish.

9. Advances Gainful Microscopic organisms Development: Live plants advance the development of valuable microbes in the aquarium. These microorganisms help to separate waste and other unsafe substances in the water.

10. Advances Reproducing and Laying Eggs: Live plants give a common habitat to fish to raise and lay eggs.

10. Brighten the Fish Tank: Live plants can add a characteristic and delightful shift focus over to the aquarium.

How do I take care of aquatic plants in Aquarium?

Here are some tips to help you care for your aquatic plants in an aquarium:

1. Lighting: Guarantee your aquarium has sufficient light for the plants to develop. How much light is required relies upon the sort of plant. Driven lights can be utilized to give the fundamental light.

2. Substrate: Utilize clean sand, rock, or soil as a substrate for the plants to fill in. Ensure it is liberated from flotsam and jetsam.

3. Compost: Give supplements to the plants utilizing fluid manures or root tabs. Try not to over-prepare as it can hurt the plants.

4. CO2: A few plants require carbon dioxide to develop. Think about utilizing a CO2 framework, however it may not be vital for all plants.

5. Water Changes: Consistently change 10-20% of the water consistently to keep up with the well-being of the plants.

6. Green Growth Control: Control green growth development by lessening light and supplements, and adding green growth-eating fish to the aquarium.

7. Managing: Trim dead leaves and stems of the plants routinely to keep them sound.

8. Picking the Right Plants: Select plants that are appropriate for your aquarium’s lighting, CO2 prerequisites, and size.

9. Aquarium Size: Guarantee your aquarium is sufficiently huge to oblige the plants you need to keep.

10. Water Quality: The quality of water plays a vital role in the health of your plants.  Make sure the PH balance, water temperature, and hardness of water are favorable for your aquatic plant.

What are some beginner-friendly live plants for the Aquarium?

There are so many live plants available in market which you can easily added to your aquarium. Some of them are ..

1.Anubias: This is the most beginner-friendly plants that you can easily plant and take minimum care of your aquarium. It can easily grow in low light conditions.

2. Amazon Sword: Amazon Sword is another popular beginner-friendly plant and it also does not require so much lights.  The Amazon Sword can adjust any tank water condition.

3.Java Fern: Java Fern is one of the popular beginner friendly plants and it can easily grown in low light condition.

3.Hornwort: Hornwort is the famous beginner friendly aquarium plants.It is exceptionally compelling in engrossing additional supplements from the water, which supports forestalling the development of green growth.


Balancing pothos in your fish tank is a clear and productive technique to improve the excellence and usefulness of your submerged climate. By sticking to these simple to-adhere to guidelines and supportive tips, you can make a striking submerged scene and lay out a better living space for your fish. Embrace the beneficial regular filtration properties of pothos and witness your aquarium change into a prospering biological system.

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